Michael Rogatchi’s Artwork is exhibited at the Peru Design Biennial in Lima

Michael Rogatchi’s exclusive art poster have been selected by the top international jury to the Final of the celebrating Peru Design Biennial 2021 and is exhibited at the splendid Santo-Domingo Museum in Lima. 

The Peru Design Biennial is the largest art Biennale in both Americas. This year, it is also celebrating event marking the 200th anniversary of Peru Independence. 

The Jury for the Peru Biennial Poster exhibition was comprised of the famous professionals, including Jan Rajlich, Finn Nygaard, Niklaus Troxler, Kye-Soo Myung and the others.

The jury selected Finalists’ works from 95, 972 entries by 65, 980 artists.  465 ( 0,48%) works in ten categories by the artists from 60 countries were selected. Michael along with his wife artist Inna Rogatchi are the only artists from Finland , and the artistic couple represents its country with pleasure and joy.

Michael Rogatchi’s work  presented at the art poster category is an exclusive Homage to Leonard Cohen art poster dedicated to the great musician and reflecting on the artist’s works dedicated to his dear friend. 

Michael Rogatchi (C). Homage to Leonard Cohen. Exclusive art poster. 100 x 70 cm. 2021.

The artwork is exhibited currently at the massive Peru Design Biennial 2021 exhibition organised at the splendid Santo-Domingo Museum in Peru’s capital Lima. 

The exhibition is very well attended, with participation of the top government officials at its opening, many events organised and a lot of public showing high interest towards colourful, interesting and highly qualified exhibition. 

The exhibition at the Santo-Domingo Museum and events of the Peru Design Biennial 2016 are on display from December 3 to December 15, 2021.