Michael Rogatchi is the one of most notable contemporary European masters who are working in a rare genre of ‘metaphorical expressionism’. His works in this special direction of contemporary art has been critically acclaimed since the beginning of his artistic career when art critics have noticed that he ‘has came to the international art avant-scene as already formed master whose world is full with extra-ordinary metaphors in virtually every work he creates’ ( Dr.Julia Weiner, London ). Having his scientific background and encyclopaedic education on many parts of human activities, including history, literature, music, and, atypically for many artists a whole spectrum of natural sciences, and also medicine and history of science, Michael possesses special intellectual background that feeds his creativeness in sophisticated and often unexpected way.
Michael’s metaphorical art stimulates his viewers’ perception while leaving it up to them to interpret the artist’s metaphors. Michael believes that his viewers are entitled to their own of his intellectual messages. “I respect my audience, and would like to provide each of my viewers with a possibility ‘to read’ a small novel coming from the canvases created in this direction, in their own individual ways’.
Michael Rogatchi was dubbed by some of the art experts as ‘painting philosopher’ ( Tarja Paasi, Helsinki). He himself regards his metaphorical works rather as ‘intellectual quest expressed in artistic way’ which the artist believes is ‘truly interesting way of creation because it leaves one with an oxygen of intellectual freedom’. Michael was especially interested in exploring the field of metaphorical expressionism in a decade between early 1990s and early 2000s which is known in the artistic chronology of his career as Metaphorical Expressionism Period. But sometimes, the artist returns to his creative origins at the later stages, including some very interesting and special works in this genre created by him in mid-2010s.
Practically all of Michael’s metaphorical works has been exhibited extremely successfully internationally, at numerous exhibitions. Quite many of these works belong to leading museums in London, New York and Washington DC and to many notable private collections in France, Austria, the UK, Sweden, Finland, Italy, and Russia.
Michael’s metaphorical works are fully featured in Shadows of the White art album ( 2003) with long essay by the artist. Those who might be interested in acquiring this special art album are welcome to consult Art Books page on this site and contact us via Contacts page on this site.